Saturday, November 28, 2009

warning: DIY markets may be hazardous to your wallet

My number one tip when hitting markets is: always make a bee-line for girls sitting on the grass with clothes spilling out of their suitcases because they'll be selling golden items for cheap cheap. So, needless to say that when I got to the hub at Newtown today I started rummaging straight away and found some killer wedges (see above) for only three dollars, I also scored a brand new green halter seduce dress for only five bucks (price tag still attached reading $299.95) along with a cute pair of jelly sandals, throw in a few five-dollar-dresses and I now have myself a new week's worth of clothes for less than what breakky costs me...well maybe just a little bit more. Good evening baked beans on toast.
Said breaky was had with lovely ladies who are very bad influences on me when shopping. But I love them anyway. One of whom gave me a belated birthday pressie...a cuddle cup! How cute is it? I think it's something I'll be cuddling for many mornings to come.
How was your Saturday?


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