Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wash out!

As you may have gathered ... the markets were a wash out on the weekend! Never fear, I'll be back on the band wagon (weather permitting) next weekend. And will have a review for Kirribilli sometime next month, as it really is the best.

I did however attend the zine fair and got some really cute ones! I think I definitely need to make more zines. I just love them. It was just a little bit packed though, so much so, I couldn't get my camera out of my bag to take any piccys.

I must admit, it did kill me to watch the hipsters traipse about the mca. Why is there so many of them these days? It kills me that what I've been wearing, and things I've been into for many years is suddenly the norm. And yet, I feel like the nanna. How does that work?

love a slightly un=hip hipster,

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