Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dreamy Melbourne.

So as I sit here waiting for my pudding to bake, and after washing up my plates stained with beetroot and fetta salad I wonder if I'm eating these foods because I like them or because I'm trying to recreate a meal that was made for me when I was in Melbourne over the weekend.

I always forget how different Melbourne is to Sydney and when I'm there it always baffles me and I wonder how our two cities became everything the other is not.

A couple of chilly days in St Kilda was just what I needed for inspiration. Walks down Brunswick street, late night curries and drinks at The Black Cat made for eventful evenings while the Tim Burton exhibition, brunches with lovely friends and a visit to Sticky* filled my days.

I'm also very proud of myself for only purchasing ONE item! A stunning little hat from St Kilda markets** from a lady who comes from a family of milliners - a family trade. It was the hat-pin that really sold me though. When I put it on I felt like I'd stepped out from another time and after a very small thinking walk, I had to run back and wear it right there and then.

I stayed with an old friend is his gorgeously kitch St Kilda apartment, and while I teased how cool, and underground slash organic vegan he'd become, I couldn't help feel a little a little pang of envy and how, in a different lifetime, it'd be me he was sharing a flat with. We were obsessed with The Secret Life of us in our teens and he's down there doing what we said we'd always do: strolling along St Kilda beach, living with an alternative crew who have midnight chats and drink red wine out of teacups...but as I learned recently - that old phrase the grass is always greener is horribly true. So maybe I'll live in Melbourne one day, but I think I need to be in Sydney for now.


*I was able to stock my zine in Sticky! So if you're ever there look out for Love/Hate Food. Alternatively I'd love to send you one. Let me know and I'll pop it in the post :)

**I was very naughty with the camera - minimal photos taken. Was using my eyes without the lens and just couldn't bare to chop it all up in pixels. Selfish, I know. I guess I'll just have to go back to take some piccys for ya'll


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