Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why do you love books?

Last night I went to a Sydney Design talk about why we love books.

Apart from the incredible wine and deep-fried cauliflower, home-made ricotta and chicken-liver Pâté from Berta, the talk was pretty cool too.

Although I felt odd taking notes in a dimly lit restaurant and was feeling slightly loved up about books from said incredible wine one thing I can definitely remember agreeing with most (other than designers aren't always the greatest public speakers) is that books will never die - people who love books will always love books, and there's a lot of us out there. The room was packed and the mc said they could have sold the event out twice over.

Something I loved is the idea of a book having magic and the ability to slow down time. In our world of micro-boredom and having everything at our fingertips whenever we want it, the act of opening a book and reading is a slow process that can be savoured.

Who doesn't love the smell of ink on paper, the feel of a weighty paper, a matt finish or glossy pics? Something you can keep, hold onto, flag, make notes on and in turn leave our little imprint on the world.

Johanna Featherstone of The Red Room was by far the most insightful with her take unfettered imagination being when you read a poem and every thing goes quiet, and you're only left with your own thoughts. She was also the quickest on her feet when an audience member asked the panel to recite their favourite line from their favourite book: 'I entered the red room' Jane Eyre'

The night made me want to run out and hide in a book store, to hunt out new embellishments and read, read, read.

I'm between books at the moment.
Any suggestions?

book-worm cactus

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